Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Easiest Way To Make Iced Coffee At Home! Step by Step! DIY!!

Here I will show you how to make your own iced coffee. You can skip to the photos for the pictorial if you want.

I think it tastes just like the iced coffee you get at Wendy's or McDonald's.

So this is a money saving way you can make this at home and you should already have the Ingredients in your house.
You will need: Milk, A Mug, Instant coffee (I like Folders), but whatever coffee u prefer i say instant because its the fastest. Microwave,coffee maker or boiled water, vanilla extract, sugar or sweetener and Ice.

⚠ I will say I used a plastic cup to do this, definitely dont use glass because you can break your cup. My plastic cup was a see through cup that actually ended up cracking a little bit at the top, but a glass cup will just shatter because you cant pour hot and cold into the same cup all at once. So make sure you use a mug or a thermal cup for this. I learned this the hard way, bc i usually use a mug, but luckily it just cracked the top so I can still drink it fine.

You can obviously change this to suit what you like. Example: I used instant coffee because its the fastest, but you can use whatever coffee you want.

Anyway look at the pictures below for the directions. I also put the pictorial upon my youtube channel if you wanna check that out:

I hope this saves you money and you love them as much as I do.
If you try this out please tag me on instagram @Erikalovesbeauty and let me know in the comments if this was helpful!

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